Distance | Duration | Sign | Activities | Location |
10.1km | 4h | Hiking, Running |
The route marked by “the red hiker sign” starts behind the Cultural House in Moieciu de Sus through a steep climb. It crosses meadows separated by fences, and the sight remains fixed on the Bucegi Mountains which dominate the landscape. The climbing moderates and the route reach a small plateau bordered by a rock formation on the left, “Bisericuța Peak”.
- Fiecare cu treaba lui
- Peisaj către Bucegi
- Moieciu de Sus și Craiul
- Locul lor
The route continues along the path on the Bărbulețului Ridge in a succession of small ascents and descents through the meadows surrounded by fences and patches of trees. Where the path meets the forest, the route descends steeply to the left, toward the edge of the village and continues to the left on the street to the center area. After about 1 km, next to Taverna Moieciu Pension, the route ascends on the right to Plaiul Plesii.
- Omuleții colorați
- Anotimpuri diferite
- Apus de soare
- Transhumanță
The route continues on The Long Ridge, an old trail used by locals to/ and from the mountain, parallel with the village until it reaches Ziliştea Corner, a well-maintained area with meadows and shelters for animals. It continues on the ridge through patches of forest, until the junction with a wide valley on the left which descends smoothly towards Moieciu. The hiker follows this path, crossing forest areas and a shaded valley until it reaches a trail that descends smoothly to the village center behind the school.
- Peisaj înflorit
- Flori diferite
- Nu mă uita!
- Omuleții colorați
- Pălăria cucului
- Din povești